Highlights and features
- Bedbugs, Fleas, Snakes, Flies, Termites, Mices, Rats, Bugs, Cockroaches
They are known for serious diseases like salmonella, dysentery, and gastroenteritis to name a few. Keeping a clean home is generally a deterrent to roaches, but even the cleanliest of homes can become infected due to food particles that get deposited in non-accessible areas such as drains and crevices. For complete prevention, we recommend that you have preventative measures performed monthly or quarterly.
They live in colonies, typically either in the ground or in wood. Unfortunately for you, they're very good at going undetected while they cause damage to your home. Sometimes the damage is minimal, only requiring you to replace your kitchen cabinets. At other times, the damage can be very severe. They can eat away at the structure of your home until one day your steps cave in or a ceiling beam collapses.
Norman Whiteside
Mar 15, 2022
Charles Manch
Jun 08, 2021
Brian Hanna
Dec 18, 2020
Reginald Williams The Diabolical Fat Boy
Dec 11, 2020
Skylar Lewis
Nov 26, 2020
Jeff Campbell Franchise
Nov 09, 2020
Lawrence Templin
May 03, 2020
If I had an option to give 0 or -1, I would do that. I called Columbus Pest Control on Wednesday morning to discuss possible squirrels behind gutters on my house. The lady that answered my phone had no interest in helping. She finally gave me outrageous quotes to, in my opinion, get me off the phone. If that was her goal, it worked. I had no work done and will not call this company again.
Cole Cannon
Apr 20, 2018
As a REALTOR, we refer them to all our clients for pest treatment, wood destroying insect inspections and preventive treatments. They are extremely knowledgable and have quick turn arounds for scheduling work and inspections. Each person we have dealt with has been very honest and has looked out for our clients best interest, not just up-selling for more unnecessary treatments. Highly recommend to anyone looking for pest control needs.
J. Curtis Mayhew
Dec 31, 2017
Very knowledgeable and very helpful. I had a problem with honeybees that I could not get controlled (those little things are determined and resourceful). One stop to Columbus Pest Control and a 5-minute conversation with them, and I had a plan and a product for victory. For significant or recurring issues I would recommend consulting these pros first.
D. M.
Jan 05, 2014
The woman at the front desk was very nice and helpful. The item the item i bought came to $176.55. I came home and found the exact product on the internet, commonly priced around $75 plus shipping. looked at my receipt and realized that it said all sales are final. other than the fact i could have spent half as much and the NO return policy the rest of the service was good.